
Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Heave (Good Bye Old Year, Hello New Year)

A lot of things happened in 2006. That's what most of the television programmes told me. A lot.

Anyway, I didn't really watched those taking-a-look-back specials they showed. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing in 2006 that is worth remembering. Sure there's the greatest feats that mankind/countrymen had done for the human race/their mother land, or the most life-changing ideas, discoveries and inventions, or those cool gizmos and gadgets that had made life easier. But do these objects and accomplishments suffice the needs and desires of every person on the planet?

As of now I think none of the 2006 eventualities ever had the appreciation or impact of at least 50% of the world population. Unfortunately everyone had different tastes and interests, and these could change almost every hour. So it could be impossible to have attention of at least 50% of humans.


If I were to be asked on what I did on the Holiday vacation, I would say that nothing eventful I did, other than playing, watching, reading, listening, getting annoyed, and receiving gifts from people whose names I often forget (I'm not a good memorizer of things). If I were to be queried about the happiest/worst moments of my vacation, "I don't have one, and I'm still not getting any. In fact, I might not experience one at all. If someone asks, "What gift did you received on Christmas?", "Why the hell are you asking me these things?! Are you my stalker?! GET A LIFE, YOU DINGBAT! AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!


The last crisis of everyone in the Philippines: the sudden increase of costs of foods and services, as well as fireworks, explosives, noisemakers and wisecracks. The shops and stores had already inflated their prices last Christmas, and now they did it again, the event being New Year.

A message to you business pigs: how the heck could the country celebrate New Year if you're the only ones hogging the joy? How Dare You?! You will pay for your greediness. You are all abomination to The Almighty One! You will ALL die!!! MWAHAHAHAAHH!!!


And this is my last entry for 2006. May everyone have a joyful 2007. Catch you later.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmax Report: New Year already?

  • Every Christmas day in the Philippines, children come to their grandfather, grandmother, godfather, godmother's houses to show before them how good they have been this year. Then ask for money. After they collect a huge amount form their mawmys and dahdies, said children would go out to spend their hard-earned cash to the commercial businesses that do nothing other than make us spend.
  • Following the get-rich-quick scheme of children (including me), the mall population shot up several levels. Having money to buy whatever the heck they want, they go to these desire-giving places to grab the stuff they always wanted. Well, that is if they could get to it first, because everyone is buying it. Plus, if the store actually excused itself form the holiday festivities, you have to go back when it opens again.
  • Christmas Day felt like New Year's day. The "rich" kids bought fireworks, bombs and PVC bombs to make them explode and drive us nuts. Already our ear drums are getting thinner by the sudden bursts of sound and we could end up strangling or dousing those people in gasoline.
  • People are randomly throwing fireworks at innocent passersby. Me and my sister almost had our ear blown because of a drunken guy throwing explosives. Thank god the guy was arrested. Wait, what's that thing with smoke coming out of it? Omighod, it's explosives! RUN!
  • Even at Christmas Day people were having a feast.
  • While everyone enjoyed Christmas, I don't. I'm still waiting for New Year to come.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Christmas Eve (properly known as The Night Before Christmas) here in my vicinity looked a lot like New Year's Eve, only less prissy but as annoying as New Year in itself.

Anyway we didn't really do much on Christmas Eve. We just ate, gave thanks, then slept. The neighborhood lit fireworks, had a extravagant feast, and had a wonderful time. My sister had a CSI marathon before she slept. As for me, nothing special happened, just thankful that this time had passed. But I'm still worried then, the event being New Year.

Well, New Year's still pretty off the hook, so I'll still live.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Twax the night for Christmax

In a few hours, the whole world will celebrate what is called Christmas. Also an hour before that (or shorter/longer) people will have what is called Noche Buena (Dinner before Christmas?).

As for me, I'll celebrate it. But with a frown in my heart. No, it's not because of the evil businessmen who put a streak of commercialism in the holiday spirit. It's just me. So back off my head.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thoughts on Christmas

Fake plastic trees. Styrofoam snow. False cheer. Burning of wood and money. Just some of the things that come into my mind when I think of Christmas. It's a long list, and it will take me forever to jot them all; seriously, they're all composed of horrible unprintables.

When it is December, and you hear Christmas, it's great in the ears: gifts, trees, bright lights, soothing songs, cheer. But when you think about it carefully, it's horrible: having to buy gifts to brats who wouldn't appreciate anything until you get them "The One" they want (and they always change their preferences every year); setting up decorations you know no-one would appreciate; plugging Christmas lights that will make your electricity bills shoot out of orbit; carolers ranging from one-man-bands to an orchestraic choir acappellas who wouldn't appreciate your shelling out of a hundred bucks for their performance (sometimes they don't leave to show how disappointed they are in your shelling out of a hundred bucks); among others.

Christmas is the time where we are supposed to celebrate the birth of the One who is to save us all from our sins when the end comes, or so we are told. (Whichever religion you are, if you do good deeds, when you die you will go to paradise and live a happy life; otherwise you go to the corollary of heaven, which is hell.) What we have here now is evil marketing strategy of business owners to make us cough up every bit of money we have to buy gifts you hate so much. People that make you cringe when they are near you. People you'd rather push off a deep cliff.

Just like Valentines day, Labor day, back-to-school days, independence days, thanksgiving days, days of the dead and other recognized holidays, festivities and occasions, Christmas is the time for businessmen to make money. And to do that they will hostage people and drag then to their turfs (malls, stores, etc.) and force them to spend every cent they have worked hard for on stuff no-one really needs or else they won't get out of the place alive. Not to mention that the insipid stuff they're throwing on us are contributing to the slow but certain destruction of our planet in the long run, but the continuous sabotage of nature, through the manufacture of tripe greeting cards and combustible gifts, the burning of anything for warmth, and other things that make use of natural resources and the creation of trash, is shortening our time left before the Almighty One smites us dead because of out doing. Already the world is showing the signs that signal the coming of The End.

Anyway, this article is not about environmental concerns (although it has a huge share of attention) or postponing Christmas. All I want you to do this year is to celebrate Christmas responsibly and sensibly. Enjoy the winter wonderland in a simple and basic way, just for this year, and celebrate the true reason why we are celebrating Christmas in the first place.

Sometimes brevity is a virtue.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Coughing and Sneezing this Christmas

The cold weather’s giving me sickness. Even if there is El NiƱo occurring in the country (and it was forecasted to continue till August of next year, thus aggravating the problem of water supply in the Metro), it still feels cold. Strange enough for me. I was really expecting Christmas to be warm so that I wouldn’t have to wear thick layers of clothing and shiver and sneeze while trying to survive arctic-like climate. But for now, I have the coughs and the colds.

I don’t know how I got these sicknesses. I should be immune to them, by the way. My immune system is so strong that I could get infected by bird flu and live. No, that’s a joke. Anyway, I have no idea how the viruses came to effect in my body. Besides, I eat plenty of healthy foods, disinfect my body often (I hate seeing dirt on my skin), and run a lot. So that means my immune system should be strong enough to fight off most of the bad bacteria and viruses that are threatening to kill me off. To my dismay (and it’s a fact of life), I found out that there are viruses and germs that are able to pass and slip through the defense systems of the body and infect the system. To sum up, we will still catch diseases even with the resistance-building foods and supplements available in the market.

Oh, and Christmas is closer than I thought. Already I see Christmas decorations and lights in every other house in the blocks. As well as people who are coughing and sneezing amidst the air of Christmas around.

Happy Holidays, then.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Omighod! I'm not happy enough! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Just taken the Happiness Test, and I'm so dismayed with the result. Anyway, to sum this up, I'm below the Philippines' line of happiness, which means, the mean score of the Philippines in the Happy Planet Index. Thankfully, I'm above the worldwide average, but not in the ideal average.

Here's the details of my test.


Happy Planet Index

Your personal Happy Planet Index (HPI) is 51.8, which is similar to that of countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina or Timor-Leste. Not bad. This is above the world average of 46, but still below the target value of 83, so there is more you can do to improve your health and well-being, or reduce your environmental impact. Your score is below that of your country, 59.2.

Below is a breakdown of the various components that make up your HPI score.

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Life Expectancy

Congratulations. Your life expectancy is above average for your gender and country. Whether it's eating well, not smoking, getting regular exercise, or just being lucky enough to have the right genes, you're doing something right. However, nobody's perfect and we could all improve our health a little! Aside from getting all the above bits of your lifestyle right, there are some more surprising factors that can influence your life expect - for example, giving up your car, avoiding living alone, moving out of the city or shrugging off stress.

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Ecological Footprint

Your ecological footprint is 2.28 global hectares, or 1.27 planets. This is equivalent to the average in countries such as Suriname, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Lebanon.

Your ecological footprint is greater than the average for the country you live in. If you live in a country with large economic inequalities, do note that this might be the case even if you are environmentally aware and trying to reduce your footprint, as others in your country might be living in very different circumstances. For example, Brazil's mean footprint of 2.2 g ha does not distinguish between the very low consumption lives of tribes in the Amazon, and those of people living Western-style lives in the big cities, whose personal footprints will inevitably be much higher.

You are using between one and one and a half times your share of the planet's resources (assuming no resources are put aside for other species). This is below average for industrialised countries, typical instead of people in many middle income countries such as Jamaica. The world average is 2.2 g ha. For those living in industrialised countries: you are probably already aware of your resource use, and act considerately. Knocking those last few deci-hectares of your footprint is, we know, very tricky. For people in the west, the most effective steps to take include the following:

  1. Park away your car for when you absolutely need it. Why not climb onto your bike, or the bus? 2-wheels good, 4-wheels bad (unless they're big, bus wheels, of course!)
  2. Cut down on meat. Depending on the animal you're eating and what it's been fed, it could be taking up to 16 pounds of crop feed from the fields to get 1 pound of meat into the supermarket. Of course, meat is not the only issue at hand. If your protein-rich vegan diet is being imported from the other side of the world, that's not too good for your footprint either.
  3. Perhaps the most guaranteed, but also most painful, way to reduce your footprint is to cut down on flights. For example, flying from London to Athens and back adds 0.77 g ha to your footprint - more than people in many countries use over an entire year.
[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Life Satisfaction

You reported a life satisfaction of 7, which is about average for many Western countries, including the UK, Spain and Italy. Worldwide, 58% of respondents in the World Values Survey reported a life satisfaction of 7 or lower.

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]


The new economics foundation (nef) recognises that there's more to life than feeling good, which is why our model for well-being is based on four domains – personal feelings, personal functionings, social feelings and social functionings. 'Feelings' refers to your attitude to the way you, your future and society are. 'Functionings' looks at whether you have the opportunities to do the things that bring you well-being. Like with life satisfaction, a score of 5 is theoretically the middle score, but, given the way most people respond to surveys, is below average.

Personal Feelings

In this online questionnaire, personal feelings are assessed with two questions – one testing your optimism and one testing your self-esteem.

You have some anxieties about the future or yourself which are affecting your overall well-being. These are not too severe though...

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Personal Functionings

In this online questionnaire personal functionings are assessed with five questions – two evaluating your subjective opinion on your health and how activity you are, the other three testing you for feelings of autonomy, purpose and worth.

You are healthy and overall feel autonomous, purposeful and able to demonstrate your abilities to others.

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Social Feelings

In this online questionnaire social feelings are assessed with four questions – three assessing your opinion of your community, whilst the last looks at personal relationships.

You have a strong sense of trust and belonging in your community and a happy personal life.

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Social Functionings

In this online questionnaire social functionings are assessed with four questions – two assessing your job / studies, one your free time, and one your community participation. If you did not respond to the work / study questions, your score is judged purely on the other two aspects.

Your job / course is not really allowing you to function socially in the way that you wish. Either it is very dull and unrewarding, or it is very stressful, leaving you little time to do the things you enjoy - or a bit of both! Are they any ways you could make it a little better for you? Alternatively, one way to relieve the boredom of work, can be to find other focuses of interest. Many take up voluntary work to offer them an alternative purpose.

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]


Well, maybe is the time for me to be happy more often. No, wait. That would kill me.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Today is December 1

Well, it's the start of the cold season already. Now it's the start of the 24-day wait for Christmas. And gaawd, there is something in Christmas that I hate. No, not that Jesus was born on this day. It's something the people do during this holiday season that I hate. And I'll just post that later on when my mind is set.

Speaking of Christmas, I already see people hanging Christmas decor on their houses. And on every other block I see lights, trees... and Santa Clauses? (Yeah, they really believe that Santa's gonna go down their chimneys to send out gifts to children when, in fact, we've got no chimneys here.) Anyway, the economy this year, and it would be great if everyone would wish for a bountiful 2007.

And about the storm Reming (Int'l 'Durian'), well, it didn't really hit the Metro, but it did hit the rest of Luzon, and fairly badly at that.

Anyway, I'll have to do other things now.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I see dead, people

I know it's kind of a bad thing to write bad and pessimistic stuff, specifically: depressing topics; and I know this could lead to my self destruction. But then I wouldn't have anything to write about and, worse, I wouldn't be blogging at all. So I'll just go on hounding you (and myself) of heinous things. Specifically: pointless stuff.


I draw of people being tortured to their deaths. I don't know. I've been drawing them since the puppy of ours died. No, I'm not fixated on death, and I'm not a sadist, masochist, or both. It's just..., well, I just draw of them. I don't know why.

I didn't know I could actually draw. Even if it was by accident, I was shocked at the fact that I could draw. I usually draw of things like those drafters and architects usually draw: grid lines, blocks, house plans (how I got into planning places for people to live in, I have no idea). Now I actually draw of cornfields, grasslands, mountains, oceans, my own bedroom (like I said, I don't know). Though they will never match the brilliance of the most prominent artists here and then, I still consider them works of art, even if it was drawn on the cheap.

Anyway, I find strange the fact that I'm drawing of death. In fact, I love life, and I'll refuse to leave my childhood when I finish college (I fear of getting old). But then we must accept the reality that life continues, everything goes, and all things living and breathing must cease to exist at a certain point of life, including us humans. I might want to live a thousand years more so that I could prove that we're still millenia (millenias?) from extinction, but no-one could make it possible because we hold no control of life. Pardon the digression. Not that I'm aspiring to be immortal by way of a ghost, spirit or whatever paranormal entity who died a violent death, but sometimes I see myself being the one tortured to death. An absurd experience. I don't really want to think nor act of it. But until the fixation is gone I shall never stop of drawing things that make people shiver and human rights activists anger (huh?).

What have I been drawing, you might ask. Well, as I have examined the things that I have created, they're mostly made of stuff from history Guillotines, garrotes, gallows, drowning, burning at the stake, stoning, throat-cutting, gun shots, among others. The rest of the drawings I couldn't explain even a little because it features strange ways of flagellation and self-torture (Again, I disclaim any ideas of sadism, masochism, or both).

I've been obsessed with death for too long, too much, too late (because, I think this twitch should've happened before Halloween, not before Christmas). I should rest, lest my soul taken. Wish I live the rest of the day.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

coming and going... (a tribute to our pet)

We waited anxiously for your arrival. Even before we saw you we already think of things that we should do with you. What games should we play? What Clothes should you wear? What do you look like? We had fun.

And then you arrived. We screamed with joy as you set foot. You ran around the house wildly. You looked at your new home. You literally liked your new masters... So much that your first act in the house: you peed on the floor.

Well, long story. On the first month if your stay you peed and pooped, peed and pooped, ped and pooped. But that doesn't matter. All dogs do that, anyway.

Then, naming you. We were in a little trouble trying to give you a name. You certainly looked like a female when, technically, you're a male. So we have thought of giving you a girl-ish name. Unfortunately the plan didn't pushed through and, instead, resorted to giving you a name of a chinese (?) animal, since you looked like them except for the spots, which are brown.

Anyway, we had totally enjoyable moments with you. We dressed you up with clothes that we know wouldn't fit you and could cause our untimely coughing because of your hair. We photographed your cute little face. We made pointlessness to you. Even if it was nonesense, you were great entertainment value for us.

I really thought our happy relationships with you would go on...

... But things must change, then.

One day, unexpectedly, you started getting sick. You lie on the floor. You didn't want to eat. You start peeing, pooping, vomiting... blood. I don't know why.

We wanted to save you then. But all is lost. Everything failed. We started to cry.

We looked at your frail and dying body and, before we knew it, you returned to... Him...

That's the last we heard of you.

Our mother says you were not worthy for us so He made you die. Our (self-important) father recommended that we'd better not grieve on you, and insisted that we look into our futures instead.

So we forget you...

But then..., I sitll miss you.

In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Puppy, Panda.
May 23, 2006 - November 17, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Things I found out from the educational trips I have joined during my high school years

1. They always tell us to "always follow the S.O.Ps (standard operating procedures) or else, get scolded by your teachers or, worse, the principal of your school."

sublist: the standard operating procedures
a. you cannot eat inside the bus, unless you share your food to others.
b. always check your seatmate for anything. he/she might have lost something, or maybe your seatmate might have been lost somewhere.
c. do not stand up while the bus is rolling. your head might hit someone else's.
d. always latch tight to your valuables, lest you get surrounded by gang thieves.

2. You will always visit the birthplace of your national hero. I noticed this, even in my elementary years: I always see Calamba, Laguna as our itinerary. There is something about Jose Rizal that convinces every Filipinos that he will be around with us for generations to come.

3. All places have great entertainment value, if not educational value or both.

4. Celebrity sightings are rare collectors item during a field trip. (Unfortunately, I didn't see any prominent personalities going on vacation.)

5. Things can get nasty if the bus runs through bumps on the road.

6. Better not join if you usually get sick on the road.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Damn the block...

Oh, great. The block struck again. Just as I was about to start a new babble that huge cube exploded right beside my brain. Now what? I Can't Get A Single Thought Out.

Anyway, my new posts are in the process of being written. Two of them includes: what happened to my educational field trip that was hell for my feet, and thoughts about the upcoming holiday that is Christmas.

Until then. I shall rest for a while so I could melt off the cerebral fat deposits.


For the people reading on multiply, I would appreciate if you read my blog via my blogger website. Everything you see on my blog on multiply are just mirrors from my original blog. here you go: http://amnip.blogspot.com/

Saturday, October 28, 2006

days of the dread, here in the Philippines

From now until the end of all souls' say, I expect people pushing and shoving at the airports, seaports and other transportation terminals, rushing to get a seat and go to their or appointed rendezvous or somewhere else. I shall hear reports of robbery, harrasment, the sudden increase in fares, and terrorist threats. I would also witness commentary from the people who wish to go to their provinces or elsewhere and complain of the companies' sluggiah performance (geez, you're just being cheked if you're eligible for the ride -- you don't want to get sick all over the place or get your ear blown off, do you?)

Already it feels like all souls' day. People are lining up at candle shpos and flower boutiques to buy stuff they could offer to their dead relatives' graves There would be people who could barely afford candy that they'll just offer someone else's offered candles and/or flowers. There shall be confusion and chaos as the living relatives find the graves of their dead. One scene would involve two or three people who visited one grave all at the same time even they're all strangers to each other -- it turns out that the three people are the dead person's fiancees; anyway the scence usually ends in fistfights and hair-puling matches in the cemetery.

Also, reports of paranormal activity shall befall the news. I would see fabricated spirit photos that would be claimed and reiterated authentic, and genuine images of the dead would be shot down and dismissed as fake and the source of the photo an opportunist. There will be storytelling of haunting experiences amidst the headlines of increasing oil prices and totally deranged celebrities, and would serve as fillers for unused air time until the next program comes on.

And on October 31, kids in costumes that are supposed to scare or amuse us will roam the streets.

As for me, I would stay here at home and do nothing but watch TV/DVD, read books, surf the internet, listen to music, manage my website, blog up and, what else? Do nothing.

(Oh, as for the October 31 Trick or Treat thing here, it only happens to kids with rich parents. The rest stay home or join the family in praying for their dead.)

Monday, October 23, 2006

no thought, no post

I haven't blogged ever since friday the thirteen. I couldn't squeeze out a thought form my pea-sized brain. I couldn't find anything interesting to talk about. I don't even know if my mind's still working. Or am I still a person?

I don't know. It could be constipation of the brain. It could be some curse that prevents me from writing something. It could be my dumb life. It could be anything. But I'm obliged to think that my left brain's killing my right. Because I couldn't think randomly.

Anyway, all I could think of ends here. Maybe next time I could write of something.

And it's almost halloween...

Sunday, October 15, 2006


October 13 was Friday, the day in which everyone gets to have a stroke of bad luck, and a day which supposedly brought some resistance against the bad energy for the chinese people. As luck would have it, I'm no chinese (which I kind of wish I was). That means, I'll still suffer torment at the hands of life.

What's with friday the thirteenth that makes every occurence of it hellish? Who the hell had marked this day as a day of catastrophes, disasters, calamities, destrution, crises and, to simply put it, misfortunes?

The universe really has a warped sense of humor.

Anyway, many bad things happened to me on friday the thirteen. But nothing worse than the friday the thirteen I experience every day of my life (and everyone else's).

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Damage Report

  • at least 100 people doed during the storm, mostly because of landslides and floods.
  • Trees, billboards and electric posts fell off their foundation from so much stress brought on by the strong winds. one person was killed by a fallen billboard.
  • because of the downfall of the trees, billboards and electric posts, virtually the whole Luzon had its power cut off. Many lives were screwed, many plans were derailed, many business closed down because of the blackout. even the philippine stock exchange dangled to nostalgia.
  • more than a billion pesos (US$ 300 million?) damage was recorded.
  • strong winds also caused some vehicles to topple down, if not blown away to somewhere else. three (?) people died.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Damage Report: A Preview

Well, it has taken me days before I could be able to get to an electricity-powered computer. Milenyo (Xangsane) has left over a trail of destruction unforseen by Luzon within the last fifteen years. Probably this is the big thing that has hit the Philippines.

But it gets worse. Another storm is due to land next Sunday. Though there's no report that this could be much worse than Milenyo, all I could say is: nature is striking back... again!

Anyway, almost all of Luzon went power-off when the storm hit. And during the blackout in our house I was sweating buckets. Casualties of the storm: fifty or so. Financial damage: ho, maybe a million dollars or so.

I won't be able to write all about it until power goes back into my home.

And I'm using a computer at the mall's cafe...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tropical Strom

Any time today now, the center of the tropical storm Milenyo (int'l Xangsane) shall hit the capital of the Philippines. Ater it has hit eastern Visayas and was due to travel West North West, the Department of Education and PAGASA (the government's weather center) has warned Luzon of the impending danger. Floods, landslides, dengue, rat finks and the like are to be expected while it rains. The eye of the storm could hit the capital at night.

And probably because of the potent danger of the storm (120-mph winds, my god!), the classes were automatically suspended in the typhoon-affected areas. YAY!

Well, it's not funny. Many people are affected whenever the storms come. Not only it gives headaches to the government and calamity support organizations around the archipelago, the danger of floods, landslides, dengue, rat finks and the like are most likely to endanger the lives of the people currently in the affected areas.


Anyway, how I found out that there are no classes the next day was because of the news. I came home just when strong rain poured down outside. I didn't even thought that the strong rain was the typhoon itself. I turned on the TV, which was tuned onto a local news programme, and it announced that there are no classes because of the storm. I rejoiced, and then I read the headline. It said, "Tropical Strom Milenyo".


Well, this morning, the sky is gloomy. The rainfall's just drizzle, but I expect the fallout later to be much worse than I experienced yesterday.

Oh, wait. I noticed that the international name of the storm is Xangsane. Wow, not only it had just finished singing, it thinks it's sane.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I can't believe a major hell would happen this lovely Wednesday. Besides the usual hell I experience in school (homework, project, lessons, etc.) and the hell I experience both in real life and in MMORPGs, there are two major hells that has happened in one day. Both of them that made sure a huge lump would form in my head.

1. School bawl. We were at the home economics lab, making edible concoctions to please our teachers, when out of nowhere, ice flakes flew and hit my back. The ice flakes were no major threat so I just ignored it, but suddenly, a block of ice the size of a tennis ball hit my head. I saw the perpetrator and hit him with my black book. Hostilities began and everything were sent scurrying around the battlezone. The fight ended when the teacher got mad. At the interrogation room, the perpetrator denied any wrongdoing and stressed that I threw the ice flakes at him. Hmm, they would really do everything to reflect their faults to others.

2. End of days at home. Bad news. My father could die any day of these last six years of everyone's life. It started when my father got a flu and he decided to pee. When he saw his urine, it had blood, but not very obvious, really. He then announced that he is about to die. This thought had me burst into tears because, who would want to see their father die, anyway?

From here on, I just wish hell would fade for now, and not continue for the next few lives.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I don't have any friends. I don't even consider my classmates as friends. Even if someone's always beside me 24/7, I don't label that person my cohort. My definition of friend is "a deceptive person who will claim kinship to his victim who, at any time of life, would be pushed off a tall building by the said sly person.

I want to make friends, but my soul wouldn't want to (he hates people). I must be a human repellant: people would walk away from me whenever they see me. Not that I'm ugly, unpleasant, childish or a cretin. My hunch is that some witch must've put a curse on me that prevents me from meeting any stranger, but that's kind of ludicrous in this technologically-dependent world. Maybe God laid down the curse, but why would He do that? Unless I'm some part of a plan to save mankind from the impending doom, then I would accept the fact that I was destined to be a loner.

Or maybe it's just me.

  1. I don't converse with people, so they don't talk to me. Unless there's an interesting topic to be talked about that's common between me and someone else, I'm mute. Besides, in this world where we just wait for the apocalypse to come (whether you are aware of it or not), there's nothing interesting to talk about that's worth everyone's time.
  2. I'm an introvert, and releasing my thoughts loudly could blow my head off. I contemplate a lot... most of the time. Whatever things that blare off my head, I keep in my brain. Unless the thoguhts are to be used for a purpose (school work, blogging, self-expression), I keep the rest of them in my head. Maybe with so much ramblings and information stored in my mind, I have forgotten how to make friends. Probably if I weren't as stressful as I should be, I could've been a better person. If I were to think less, I would have that sense of well-being. Unfortunately, that cannot be applied in my current state of living, that being a human being, like everyone else.
  3. I'm not cool enough. "Go away, creep. You're not one of us," this one is saying. "EEKKKK!! Ay dohn't unnnderstahnd yah. Gayt ouf may fayzz," oinked another. "I don't speak English," says this guy. If I could blend with the current trends, only then I would be socially accepted. But the, I hate crowds with tastes different from me. I dare to be different.
  4. I'm a ghost. As in spirit. As in dead. Probably my fascintion with the paranormal has transformed me into a paranormal entity myself. "Omigod, I'm dead!"
  5. Everyone's friends list is full. I'm inclined to think that this world is a real-life Friendster or MySpace or whatever social networling site you're on. And each individual is a networking account Whenever I try to make friends with them, an error message appears: "Sorry, this user's friends list is full."
  6. The whole world was instructed to hate me, despise me, screw me for eternity. Hey, this could be the last yet perfect reason why I don't have any friends. I must be singled out for eternal torment.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

the 16 lessons I learned in life

  1. focus on your target. once you get diatracted, you'll fall down, and you have to start all over again.
  2. "sakaling dumating ang pagkakataon, sunggaban mo na" (when the chance comes, grab it).
  3. never give out your personal info, as it might be used by sleazy goons to haunt you for eternity.
  4. as much as possible, keep a low profile.
  5. graciously ignore any unbelievable yet unusual offers you see or hear of. note that there are the cunning out there who can easily lure in suckers, if not kidnap them into accepting the offer.
  6. never trust anybody, not even your cohorts. at this stage of humanity, it's fatal to lean your shoulder on someone: you could fall off.
  7. everyone is cruel to each other, even the seemingly innocuous ones. the reason that they want to be friends with you is that they want to get a doormat to wipe their feet on.
  8. all are corrupt. only the gods of the official regions aren't.
  9. there are people who can do things far better than you do. soon enough, you will find yourself being the last person on earth not being able to do the things everyone does so well.
  10. incompetent people get to grab the highest position in the office, while the hard-working ones gets the lowest place in the workplace and, eventually, gets fired for no apparent reason at all.
  11. however hard you work, or fight, or sweat for it, you'll never be able to grab the prize because "You're doomed, sucker!!!"
  12. do not trust your luck in bottle caps.
  13. the universe has a warped sense of humor.
  14. "The meek shall inherit the earth... when the strong are dead."
  15. if you feel like you've been single out for eternal torment, don't complain; there are many who experience the same thing, some even worse that what you are experiencing.
  16. we will all die of something, if not war, disease, famine, gluttony, disasters, chemicals, or simple stupidity.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I had my ego checked for defects by the school psychiatrist -- no, wait. That's probably not a good word to describe the doc that checked my state of mind. It makes here look more like a psychiatrist.

Anyway, the school psychologist checked the status of my head. And this is what I got out from the doc:

  • health: you're still healthy, lest you get cranky and your immune system fails you. go see the medical doc. oh yeah, better watch out: you're getting loony.
  • studies: omigod! you're flunking physics! and you're starting to do the same in other fields! get a tutor, for crying out loud.
  • family: nice record. or probably you're hiding something from me. come, spit it out. don't make me use the lie detector on you!
  • social relationship: what the hell are you?! are you evenhuman?! get a life. (translation: you're too alone, and you'll probably not live till 18. beter haul off people you could push off a bridge.)

Well, the test kind of gives me the creeps, as if I were in some fierce interrogation session. You know: the one in which the suspected person is strapped down in a chair in a room only illuminated by a swining headlight, then strangers force you to spit out the answers they would only want to hear, and if you don't they would slap you in the face, kick you in the groin, or douse you with gasoline and set you on fire (ow. that's not fierce, it's vicious.) . my fears were unfounded, bu then I wasn't left unharmed... mentally: after the "interrogation", my head is due for explosion.

Friday, September 08, 2006


1. My computer broke down. Malfunction after boot screen disappears.

2. Steve Irwin died. Lovely guy got stung by a stingray. Pay respect to his family, close friends, and fans.

3. It's raining hard, and I'm at the computer rental. Like, how am I supposed to get home without an umbrella?

4. Projects, homework, schoolwork, etc. And they're rushing down at me like landslide.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

27th Manila International Bookfair (A narrative report)

Before I go into the details of whatever happened to me at the grand book fair, let me summarize the experience, thus: This is the greatest thing that has happened to me in Saint Joseph, yet, this is the last time I would experience this (I can always make myself go there, then).

Okay, on with the details.

The day of Friday, well, is like the usual days that have passed me over the past fifteen years of my life. But on the day of September the first, well, it’s just like the other days, except for the “chosen ones” of the Book Lovers’ Club (the “chosen ones” being the Club officers, the most active members of the Club, and me). We are actually going to an event that is on my mental list of “events to celebrate before you die”. Not that I would want to die already, but to be truthful, this event is the only item in my list.

The event, named and proclaimed The Manila International Book Fair, is probably one of the greatest things hitting literary fanatics around the Philippines and, also, around the world (it’s been around for 27 years, meaning this is one big event). Everyone seemed to have come to gawk and enjoy at the random selection of books, pamphlets, and other literary paraphernalia they can purchase. The place of the event was at the World Trade Center Manila in Roxas Blvd., just a short drive away from the CCP Theater.

Anyway, the trip to the fair is not as pleasant as the Book Fair itself; in fact, it’s the worst transportation scene in my life. I wouldn’t go into there; it’s much too yucky to write.

So, there we are, in front of what seemed to look like a warehouse. From the entrance gate I saw the huge billboard of the event, in screaming red letters it said The 27th Manila International Book fair. There were people outside, and not just Filipinos you would push onto a path of oncoming traffic in case you’d meet them elsewhere (no, wait, that’s a joke. I’m just being sarcastic.), but I also noticed that there are also many people of various races, religion, and, I don’t know, clothes? (Yes, there were also people wearing funny outfits there). We went in and bought our tickets to the entrance, right after we deposited everything we own (the management is afraid there could be people who would sneak unpaid items out, but maybe they could benefit from item sensors), and then we went in.

My first reaction: Whoa! Where am I? Am I still on earth? This place might be just, well, rows of booths from book companies and publishers, but for me (and everyone else who loves to read) it’s heaven (whatever happens I will not let my soul get detached from its vessel, I said to myself). Well, before I even noticed the marauding party had vanished. Well, this when the real adventure begins.

There I was walking around like an idiot and mesmerizing at the beauty of the millions of books displayed before the masses, waiting for someone to pick it up and buy it. Unfortunately, I’m on a very limited budget: I could barely shell out cash for coloring book. Fortunately, in most of the booths, they were selling bargains and big deals: Buy 1 Get 1 free promos, discounted books, and piles of old books, many of which hide rare and unknown books and literary paraphernalia (many of them which contain very great, uh, contents). Since I wouldn’t want to waste the precious time being here, I decided to buy two dirt-cheap books: one being compiled essays/ranting/reviews by Jessica Zafra (I don’t consider her a hero – or a goddess – but I consider her my spiritual guide); the other one being stories inspired by anime/manga/games/Japanese stuff.

Because of shelling out, I could barely afford transportation now. And since there’s still a lot of time before we depart, I decided to check out the remaining books.

There were a lot of books and literary paraphernalia there, and of different genres (not just the genres of horror, action, drama, angst, etc.). Children’s books, books for teens, novels, short stories, how-to books, textbooks, encyclopedias, informational, magazines, audio books… a lot.

At 12 noon, the Book Lovers’ Gang went out to have lunch. I must’ve seen every booth that was in there. Our departure is still at three in the afternoon. And I was afraid I would suffer atrophy from the long wait I have to endure.

Fortunately, the roaming around part did well in my time wasting; I re-interrogated the booths and before I was halfway through, BAM! We’re due to leave. It did felt like I only wasted one hour.

Too bad this is the last book fair I could attend with the Book Lovers’ Gang.

Friday, September 01, 2006

27th Manila International Book Fair

I'm currently here at Roxas Blvd. for the 27th Manila International Book Fair. Well, I'm currently infornt of a computer with internet connection, courtesy of PhilOnline.

I'm yet to post out whatever things had happened to me here. It's half good, half bad. But I'm enjoying it, though I had only bought two dirt-cheap books: one ranting column, and one anime/manga/game-inspired storybook.

Anyway, there's more coming. See you later.

Chea, andmaing libro dito!!! (Chea, there's lots of books here!!!) Envious?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Two days till retreat

Last week was a bum. I took the exams for the first quarter of my last years in high school. I reviewed, but at the time of exam my brain got emptied.

Well, at least most of my scores were beyodnd the passing grade.


This coming thursday I shall escape the confines of this modern world and go into seclusion and clear my mind of whatever the heck it has and change to a new life. And after that, it's returning to normal ways.

Anyway, I shall miss three days of my family, the internet, and the things I love in the city. Well, anyway, we shall all be independent persons, and this retreat would probably teach me how to live alone.

Our place of retreat is baguio. I can't believe it's a beautiful place up there, and I can't believe I don't have a camera. Just wish I had one so I coduld share the place with you, as well as my ratings as I move on.

Gotta prepare. Two days left.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


I couldn't believe it myself.

Over two weeks I haven't posted one single thought on my blog because of brain drain. If not brain drain, the electricity goes off. If not both of them, I forget. I not none of the above, well...

The last three days was my first of the last of the four exams I shall take in my school. Because I have to review well to make it through, my thoughts that should have made it to this blog went down the drain. I was emotionally brain washed.

Anyway, besides the four reasons why I couldn't post are the following:

1. Website
2. Anoter website
3. Someone's life
4. Homework

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Totally drenched weekend

Early in the morning, this Friday, I was greeted by a loud downpour. This (early) morning of Saturday, morning also greeted me with downpour.

It became clear to me that a tropical storm is brewing just above the Philippine territory. This must be the third storm I have reported since I first talked of it.

Anyway, my sleep has been disturbed by these sudden gush of rain. And I have lingering doubts about insomnia. When can I have a perfect sleep? It seems like nature's tormenting people all around with her "drum-bashing."

And while I'm typing these few lines of entries, it's raining dan hard outside... And I couldn't think of anything else to post.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Five minus two is three...

Only three days of school this week. The two days swallowed by both the SONA of the Freshident of the Republic of the Philippines. And I couldn't believe the teachers squeezed the three days and tormented us with their lessons and activities of two weeks.

Anyway nothing better's going to happen with me whining a lot.


A cellphone text quote of this post:


By factoring:
Divide both sides by (NO+1)



Will you still study?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Kyaaaa...!!! (Link for SONA 2006)

Damn! Opera's messing with my blogging experience. My previous post got messed up. Got to edit through Firefox. (I've got the right to switch browsers, too. So what? Besides I both use the browsers, not just for personal reasons, but I'm also testing my website for holes between browsers.)


Anyway, if you would like to keep update on the SONA of the Filiffine president (pardon), here's the link:


Miss Universe 2006, Storms (again), SONA

I congratulate Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza of Puerto Rico for grabbing the title of Ms. Canada in being Ms. Universe. Though I admit on voting to Ms. Japan for the Ms. Universe 2006 (since the crowd went wild when her country was called upon by the announcer and my country's girl just won Ms. Photogenic, everything went well in my house.


Well, another storm surged last night, causing me to go back to my bed this morning. A tropical storm swept the very north east of the Philippines and crossed through the Philippine area of responsibility. With strong winds and rain last night that caused severe flooding in Luzon, classes were suspended.

At first I thought classes were suspended due to the SONA [state of the nation address] by the (un)lovable president of the Philippines. But then either reason would just be the effect of suspension of classes.


And I can't believe they would suspend my favorite programmes on TV to give way to the speech. That may probably be a good reason to hate the president more, besides the electiorial tampering, the unresolved issue of the economy, and murder of political enemies. Yes, again, she shall stand at a platform to speak her nonesense, pointless and fictitious reforms, promises, and things that she had done on her presidency. And she didn't even cared about the bad things she did on her presidency.

While I have no idea as to what shall she speak on this year's SONA, what is sure, she shall have it every year until 2010 (maybe.)

Thursday, July 13, 2006


The storm as of July 13, 2006. Doesn't look like a storm to me. But devastating.


Tuesday. July 12, 2006. In the morning I was greeted with rainy days. Thought it was just rain. Continued to school.

Wednesday. July 13, 2006. Our classes were cut to noon. Strong rains that has caused numerous floods were the reason. We have to be evacuated or else we would be going home drenched in flood water with rat fink, mosquito eggs, and salmonella. Also reports of landslides in a favourite tourist spot, Baguio. No casualties yet, but a barangay offcial* got buried in one of the landslides. Sigh of relief and despair.

Thursday. July 14, 2006. Just found out that there are no classes, because the government had declared it. The reason is a typhoon had hit. Just found out that there was actually a typhoon hitting right now.

The barangay official* guy is dead. And also two children who gut buried alive last night. More landslides happening around the whole north of the Philippines, mostly in Baguio. Strong rains also prevail. Landslides in my head as I sigh of more despair.

Until I've got more reports on what the heck is happening while the typhoon is still around, I'll stay infront my TV and keep watching. You should as well.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Too much to do

I can't believe I'm already fourth year high. And because of that I've got truckloads of school work. I wasn't even able to remember (or even jot down) my grand entrance in the first day of school. Everything in my mind was virtually wiped out becaused of the landslide.

I'm yet to recover. I apologize.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Just a little sight of that word (or just hearing it, even in small amounts) makes my ears cringe, my mouth froth, my nose bleeed, and it makes me want to break furniture. Especially when I have just seen the words April and May.

In my country, June is the sign of havoc. Virtually everything starts getting screwed up when the month's coming looms. Protests over senseful and pointless things pile up, people's heads get hotter, crime rates increase, June brides and June bugs pop up. But the most excruciating thing that has to come up in June is the return of classes. Yes, back to school. June here is time for brats, geniuses, bullies, rich bastards, hip-hop people, geeks, nerds, and lots of other weird types of students to go back to school to learn, thrash about, waste their lives in studying, or just make other's lives a living hell (Pardon me. I'm just being ironic.). From here on I shall start hearing lessons and sermons from teachers, principals, and school directors all over again. I shall experience another beating in life, not just from the studies the "terrorists" shall dump upon students like me, but also the possibility of getting beaten by retarded bullies, as well as the games of "foul word hurling" and "insult throwing" that many will play onto everyone else's lives.

Even before June's doom stepped into the world, it's chaotic symptoms were already felt here. Political killings shot up as high as you could think of. Prices of everything (petrol, wet market, dry market, stocks, transportation, etc.) had gone so haywire that virtually everyone couldn't afford almost anything, except a square meal every other day or so. With so much suffering this country has suffered, there were threats of destabilization, protests, rebellion, and impending doom. Even so, there is no way of preventing or curing the tornado of problems that is pestering this world.

And yet I have still managed to survive.

(Happy Wedding to those who are planning to be June brides and bugs.)

Friday, May 12, 2006


Summer is supposed to be hot. Unfortunately, today was different.

A while ago it rained. Weird, because it supposed to be summer then. I thought the weather repoters were right. Actually, they were... on a different angle.

The meteorlogists found a tropical storm heading the capital of the Philippines, where, unfortunately, I live in. As a result, we're drenched. So am I. But I was grateful. At least the pressure-cooker climate was cooled down a little bit.

Whatever is next... I don't know.


Some time ago I decided to go beyond my blog and tried surfing other people's Bloggers. And wherever I go, there's nothing special about them. Just another person's life: plain. There were also international Bloggers, their languages unpredictable (some blog's text ended up showing squares instead of the expected text). There were also some blogs that pretty looks like it isn't: many looked like it was created to blind the audience with it's eye-candy design. Some weren't really blogs at all. Others are too old to be called blogs: they looked abandoned. And there were blogs that didn't really contain personal life stories. There were plenty that really looked like a newsroom.

But anyway. It's not really important about what the blogs contain. The inportant thing is: I'm thankful there are plenty of people writing on a diary.


Anyway, it's still raining outside. And it's a pretty good sight. Catch you later.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Trying to keep up with the time, I decided to buy a wall-clock. Like, what else could be done with a clock? Definitely just for time-keeping. But sometime ago, I found some people using wall-clocks as plates.

Anyway, I put it up on the wall. And while I was standing on the ladder I discovered many insects and microorganisms thriving on the ceiling, which is probably cute for some. But it's disgusting on me. After I installed it, I went down... and I smell of dust and cobwebs.

And not contented on that I even decided to add a clock for this blog.

Anyway, there's nothing interesting, anyway.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Comment Spam

Looks like people have been finding ways to deliver junk to everyone's backdoor and cause havoc to millions.

This week I received what I thought to be a good comment for my wares. Unfortunately, it turned out ot be some advertising for some college degree. Here's the excerpt of the advertising. I've stripped out personal contact information so as to prevent unwary people from being tempted to get this ware.
Get any Desired College Degree, In less then 2 weeks.

Call this number now 24 hours a day 7 days a week (deleted)

Get these Degrees NOW!!!

"BA", "BSc", "MA", "MSc", "MBA", "PHD",

Get everything within 2 weeks.
100% verifiable, this is a real deal

Act now you owe it to your future.

(deleted) call now 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I don't know if this is genuine, or if the guy who sent it has hit other people's blogs (or websites). One things for sure, I'm thankful I don't live in the US, for now.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Summer is probably the worst weather for my head. All around April I've got nothing useful to write in this blog. I could only muster pointless crap about my own experiences. And if there were something worth posting here, I could only put up a few bits of it and the rest of it dissolves in my head. I am really one lousy blogger.

Until the summer heat disappears, my brain drain syndrome would stay and kick the crap out of my head.


What should I write now? I don't know. Probably depends on the weather. Physical, mental, social.

But I've got nothing to write. There's nothing interesting going on. And there's nothing that could provoke my mind to write something.


But then, I could always write nonesense.

But what nonesense?


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Summary of Lent 2006

1. Boring. Really boring, as in totally deadly deeply boring. No happiness. Too much loneliness. Everywhere, it's so gloomy. Felt like wanting to die.

2. People whipping and crucifying themselves on the streets believe that they will be forgiven of all their sins, especially the heaviest of theirs. Turns out that they're all wrong: it only works for Jesus Christ. And because he did that over two thousand years ago everyone's spared of the agony.

3. Nothing on TV. Literally. Lest I'm on cable TV, that is. Everything's static. So I tried watching static. I saw something coming out of the black and white dot fields.

4. I just wish people stop celebrating Lent. They're just making non-christians crazy.

Friday, April 14, 2006


(Note: I spelled exorcising incorrectly last time.)

Well, I'm back from hell. Now I can dictate:

Sunday. Palm Sunday. Back from a very short vacation, I was due for another short vacation. How nice.

Monday. I arrived at the scene of relaxation. Suddenly I was scraped by oncoming traffic. I thought I'll die.

Tuesday. Relaxation. Then three total strangers comes and bugs me. Got annoyed and kicked their heads. They try to retaliate, but couldn't because of the weather.

Wednesday. Good place, but no TV. I remembered that the TV stations here don't show anything during Holy Week. I feel terrible and horrible (terribly horrible, horribly terrible). I sighed and fell unconscious.

Thursday. The three total strangers return. With three other total strangers. With knives and bats. And body armor. I prayed to the Lord. They fell like God destroyed a city.

Friday. I was due to leave. Didn't feel like I had vacation. This life totally sucks.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


If my last year's birthday was bad because I didn't received any gifts, this year's birhtday is much more worse because, not only it features giftless, but it also coincides with the Holy Week, featuring the death of Jesus Christ. Which means temporary conservatism, fasting, and total ignorance of worldly ideas. And from SundayApril 9, things were already worse.

I'm yet to reveal my sufferings during the seven days of torment. Until then, try exorcusing yourself.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Over 45 Posts, and One Year On...

Well, I didn't even noticed that this blog has survied one year. I'm so thankful, I might consider this as my only achievement in life. Besides, all of my other attempts to set some records, however small, failed.

Anyway. Looking back at my posts, my last year must probably have been weird, or chaotic, or... just dumb. I started blogging in the middle of my final Second Year High exams. Good thing I passed them all. (Oh, no. I said it. Now I'll fail in the future!!!) Amid all the pandemonium that had occured in my llife, I'm thankful I survived over one year of it.

I might've been thinking that I'm the lousiest blogger on this side of the planet.And I might be right. Only 45 posts in a year? Yep. I Am A Lousy Blogger.

Anyway, summer this year is hotter than I expected. Yesteryears' summer were much cozier than today. Like, what the hell is happening now? Is the climate screwing up? Is the ozone layer depleted? What the f*&% is going on now?

While I'm typing this, I'm sweating buckets because of the heat of the sun and this computer. I'd better finish this off and run out in the open fields.

Friday, March 24, 2006

TGIF, exams are over, school is almost over.

At last, free from the bonds of knowledge, cramming, and other school whatnot. And thank God it's Friday, because I'll be hitting the sacks all day long. And good grief! It's vacation! Time to go to the beach and drown in the waters!!!


Well, anyway. I'm so thankful I'm out of school hell... well, almost. I still have to collect signatures of my teachers in order to get out of Third Year High School. Manually. Damn, this things pain me.


Probably the best thing in a student's school life is graduation. You shall continue on your journey in life and have a job. And you shall miss your friends and enemies. Well, that's okay... as long as you shall see them again. But what if you don't?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oh, bummer...

This is probably my last day meeting the computer. Next week the sub-grandest examinations of my life shall take place and would poke my head. That means before that I'll have to catch up on my deadlines or else I may not get 'upgraded' to the next school year.

Hell, Third Year High is probably the most excruciating part of my life. A lot of things you are required to learn many of them you might not need in the future, but may come in handy someday. Also mind-bending challenges, projects, requirements, and students (and I even thought they're all stoned). And hot-headed teachers.

Anyway, I still have to catch up on my deadlines. I just typed this on my free time. And I have to post something because I hadn't for over two weeks.


UPDATE: The serial killer rumors are just a hoax. The pranksters were found, and were promptly beaten up and thrown in jail. And wish me luck on my exams.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More Murder Talk (Serial Killers, Hired Killers part 2)

Just when everything's about to go okay.

Last night, I was told that the serial killer rumors were just a hoax, something just to mislead the masses. I wasn't convinced, becuase the messenger's face wasn't even convincing enough. He's smirking.

This morning, I overheard people talking about the serial killer. I found out that the hoax is not a hoax. There had been some news in the paper that the alleged serial killer had murdered some half-dozen people last night, he says. The authenticity could not be pointed out, as the 'messenger' had no evidence for those riff-raff.

I don't even know why people would like to freak people out. Maybe they're some fans of some thrillers and they're doing this pointless insipidty.

(Well, there's nothing here about hired killers for now, but stay tuned. I might have interest in being a hired hitman someday.)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Serial killers, Hired killers

"Serial killers in the neighborhood!!!"

This evening, there were rumors of murderers roaming around our neighborhood. (Now, how did they got here in the first place?) They were identified as members of some satanic cult/bacchanalia/orgy where the commandment is to kill anyone they see: they don't care if they killed their loved ones or the resident cat or the President. (This calls to mind the headline of an 'attempt to assassinate the president of my country.') They are armed with ice picks and shotguns. They have already killed some several dozen people and pets near our vicinity. I don't know why they even existed. I don't feel comfortable. I would like God to condemn them to hell.

Now, why are there criminals in a world where everyone is just... everyone else? Why does He allow copious amounts of evil to wander around and destroy the world that is already crippled and about to crumble? My mother said, "It's His way of balancing the world. Increase the amount of any, the world shall fall apart." She also added, "There shall always be more evil than good." (just like there are more morons than there are literate people. I'm half freak, half brainy.) This did not make me comfortable, even if she said "God will protect us. Just keep your faith in Him." I want to hunt down those bigots.


In connection with killers, I read a fanfiction about killers. (You might think that I should freak out because it's like giving matches and gasoline to a pyromaniac.) I don't know why I ended up reading something like that after hearing threats of massacre. I thinks it is nice to read material related to whatever happening to your sorrundings, so that you'll be more aware of that event (and would probably raise my fears of getting killed).

Anyway, away form the digression. The (short) story is about a successful murder plot of some people. It started in a bar where, of course, people get drunk. It was already late at night (one AM, and you think the night is still young? get a life...) there are only five people (still drunk), the manager of the bar, and the bartenders who just want the dunderheads out of the bar. The drunken blutschinks don't want to leave their drinking party. Then some people came in and told them that they should heed the people's request. And so they left. Later they met a girl who, in the end, kills the drunken bastards. No things are stolen, no hostages are paid with ransoms. Just a murder plot. Well, I don't want to give the whole story away. You'll just have to read it yourself. (Rikku's Frist Job, a Ragnarok Online fanfiction. This is not mine, mind you.)

As for me, I'm due to read murder stories. Hope I survive the night.

"Let there be peace, let there be war, and let me die quietly in the bar."

Saturday, March 04, 2006

New month

February has passed out, thankfully. But replacing it is the hot March. I'm a month older. And next month I am now a year older.

Oh no... I'm aging. NOOOOO!!! I won't let myself get older! Let's contemplate suicide! Just making you paranoid... and myself.

Anyway, it IS March, the (probable) starting month of the summer season. People will burn more skin (and money) just to be more beautiful. Crowds will crowd on the beach. The sea will be polluted again. There shall be consternation among everyone. Sharks will be attacking bigots again. And I shall stay away from the heat again.

I loathe summer. It hurts my skin so much. And my wallet. I can't believe we al have to pass through this season. I don't even know why it existed. Is it just another racket of many businessmen?

Monday, February 27, 2006


Thursday, 23 February. The celebration of the first People Power in the Philippines still continues as normal. Everything went fine..

Or so we are told.

Friday, 24 February. Classes was suspended, for fear of pandemonium. People took to the streets to protest against the government. There were fears of coup d' etat. I look the meaning in the dictionary. They want to overthrow the government. The president announced a state of emergency.

Saturday, 25 February. More people took to the streets. There were spottings of battle tanks and celebrities. "It must be martial law," I thought. My mind spins like wild. I pass out.

Sunday, 26 February. Still havoc. Marine troops, together with anti-government protesters, gather at Fort Bonifacio to protect the person who is fighting for "the people's rights."

Monday, 27 February. For fears of demonstration amongst college students, classes were suspended... again.

I'm still feeling unwell.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Apologies... I've been Brainwashed

I apologize if I couldn't disperse to you my reteat happenings. My mind is still possessed by the sentimental b****ing of the event. And with it goes my memory of the reteat. I deeply apologize.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Back From Retreat Hell

At last, after three days of physical, mental, emotional and verbal torment and realization (there's still a handful of ways to categorize the torment and realization, but I just picked the most common of the pack), I have returned from the sentimentality pressure cooker to exorcize my soul of sham emotions from my insipid classmates.

However, because of the great damage I received (and a lot of it), I have to rest for a while and try to re-join the pieces of my mental diary that was lost in the cerebral jungle of my head.

For now, go contemplate your own life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Only three hours left and retreat shall begin...

Dang. I'll be leaving in three hours or less. After that, it's bye-bye society and hello seclusion. I hate being secluded. It makes me sick by then.

Hell, I've got nothing else to do but to abide. And then nothing else shall happen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines, Retreat

Uh... Valentines Day, yet another way of people to make money. I'm sick of it.

Today I saw the price increase of almost anything you could buy. Food, water, entertainment... even transportation. These things pain me. Like I would really want to slit the throats of this greedy morons if only I could.

Speaking of Valentines, my sister declared this day as Bumming day, as she (and her friend) shall slump down their beds and fall unconscious. Anyway, I thought she said Bombing day i.e. terrorist are coming to town to make us hallucinate again, because if it did... er... nevermind.


Tomorrow is our day of Retreat, the day when we reflect on our lives, change it, and mess it up again. As usual, I shall hear whimpering, weeping, and heartbreakings. And the bad thing about it is that I shall be out for two days. My recommended daily allowance for leave is a day and a half. This literally means I'll be homesick... lest something entertaining sprouts up.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Damn... nothing in my head...

I'ts been two weeks since my breakdown. Last week, I'm well, healthy and recognizably human... But I'm wondering why my head's not working.

Hell, I couldn't think properly. I don't even know why I couldn't think. Maybe the mind crash affected my ability to churn out ideas. I felt like being clubbed in the head.

Anyway, the doctor recommended sone rest, and probably more science fiction books. But I don't know if I could return to my former pace.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pandemonium, Day 2

Yesterday I went into all sorts of trouble you could think, and before I lost consciousness in the evening, I got scolded... for no apparent reason. This morning, I was woken up with... more scolding... And there's no good reason for it as well.

*I broke a mirror, a cat crossed my path, I walked under a ladder. What's next?

I assume I'll die anytime today.


* - If you think I'm a psycho freak and a dunderhead that just made this up, no. These things really happened to me yesterday.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The prediction of pandemonium

Yesterday, I vowed that the world would be in diarray once a conflict in any of my family members occurs. Today, my phropecy came to life

I was being driven by my father to my designated work place called the school, when we were confronted by anther driver who demanded street space. My father came first to the curb of the road, while the confronter just got there, probably by overspeeding.

Well, I forgot ehat happened next, All I remember then is that the iwo drivers were clubbing each other with insults. That's when the prophecy of chaos I have thought, have happened. And I knew what will be going to happen.

I shut my mind from the world throughout the rest of the day. For fear of armageddon.


today's advice to me: choose your words wisely.

Friday, January 27, 2006

What I lerned from Mark Haddon through his best-selling book

I hadn't even read halfway through Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, but I already learned plenty of lessons to live by:

  • Your mind shall explode when you meet too many faces at the same time. Especially if your brain is the size of a peanut. Or if you can't recognize faces.
  • Prime numbers are superior, not that they're better and far more superior than composite numbers, but because you can't divide them without getting remainders.
  • Walking near dead things might end up meaning you killed it, especially if someone has a releationship with it.
  • CIA use prime numbers to convey confidential messages? Hmmm... maybe I should go into the business of code-breaking.
  • My sister commented that "autism is just fine, as long as you could put it to good use." Maybe Christoper is far more superior than, say, vein-popping, blabbering senators.
  • At last, a good excuse as to why you skipped too much when you number chapters of your book or story.
Well, I'm still on page 30 of the book. I'm expecting myself to finish it in a day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Feeling unwell in a sick, sad, world...

  • Headaches. Since Sunday I was experiencing too much of this. Up to now, it is still upon me. I'm worried that it could turn to migrane, or worse, permanent brain damage.
  • Also since Sunday, my body felt weak... so weak that I could fall on my knees at anytime.
  • I've been seeing dark and shady figures since yesterday. It could've been Death, I thought.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Of headaches and Twisted

Hell, headache attacked me for over a week. And the things that I should've wrote some time ago was cleared out in my mind. Damn...


Some time ago, I bought a book by Jessica Zafra (whom I am a reader of) named Twisted. For the literally challenged, Jessica Zafra is a column writer for a newspaper. And her colums are so much filled with irony and information that I decided to stick with her antics for a while.

Her topics... well, much of the world around her. Much like me, except that she is more experienced of the whole wide world, is much more geeky, and, uh... geeky, while I'm stuck in this only over-crowded city of Manila.


Holy s***!!! MIGRANE!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Three Events

  1. My computer broke down. Strange. My PC is so healthy that it wouldn't budge crashing down. Or so I thought.

    Because of it, I have to bring it to my trusted computer repair-man, which is two miles from my house. Because of that, I also have to sleep in a room not mine. I'm using a computer of someone else right now.

  2. Death threat for the chick. Here, two miles away from home, I'm already feeling homesick and seasick (uh...). And besides that, I got more sick when some kid threatened to kill his baby chicken lest I buy it off from him. Man, I'd like to hit him in the bum for being a moron.

  3. Basketball chick. Hell, more chicks. A while before I left my humble home, I saw some more kids hurling a chick. Not just an ordinary chick, but a dead chick. And they're playing it as basketball.

So much for homesickness. I just wish my computer could be fixed so that my life would be back to normal.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Today is January 1, 2006...

Today is January 1, 2006... Today is January 1, 2006... Today is January 1, 2006... Today is January 1, 2006... Today is ...^&^%(*%^#&%^(...

Hell, Happy New Year, anyways.