
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Over 45 Posts, and One Year On...

Well, I didn't even noticed that this blog has survied one year. I'm so thankful, I might consider this as my only achievement in life. Besides, all of my other attempts to set some records, however small, failed.

Anyway. Looking back at my posts, my last year must probably have been weird, or chaotic, or... just dumb. I started blogging in the middle of my final Second Year High exams. Good thing I passed them all. (Oh, no. I said it. Now I'll fail in the future!!!) Amid all the pandemonium that had occured in my llife, I'm thankful I survived over one year of it.

I might've been thinking that I'm the lousiest blogger on this side of the planet.And I might be right. Only 45 posts in a year? Yep. I Am A Lousy Blogger.

Anyway, summer this year is hotter than I expected. Yesteryears' summer were much cozier than today. Like, what the hell is happening now? Is the climate screwing up? Is the ozone layer depleted? What the f*&% is going on now?

While I'm typing this, I'm sweating buckets because of the heat of the sun and this computer. I'd better finish this off and run out in the open fields.

Friday, March 24, 2006

TGIF, exams are over, school is almost over.

At last, free from the bonds of knowledge, cramming, and other school whatnot. And thank God it's Friday, because I'll be hitting the sacks all day long. And good grief! It's vacation! Time to go to the beach and drown in the waters!!!


Well, anyway. I'm so thankful I'm out of school hell... well, almost. I still have to collect signatures of my teachers in order to get out of Third Year High School. Manually. Damn, this things pain me.


Probably the best thing in a student's school life is graduation. You shall continue on your journey in life and have a job. And you shall miss your friends and enemies. Well, that's okay... as long as you shall see them again. But what if you don't?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oh, bummer...

This is probably my last day meeting the computer. Next week the sub-grandest examinations of my life shall take place and would poke my head. That means before that I'll have to catch up on my deadlines or else I may not get 'upgraded' to the next school year.

Hell, Third Year High is probably the most excruciating part of my life. A lot of things you are required to learn many of them you might not need in the future, but may come in handy someday. Also mind-bending challenges, projects, requirements, and students (and I even thought they're all stoned). And hot-headed teachers.

Anyway, I still have to catch up on my deadlines. I just typed this on my free time. And I have to post something because I hadn't for over two weeks.


UPDATE: The serial killer rumors are just a hoax. The pranksters were found, and were promptly beaten up and thrown in jail. And wish me luck on my exams.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More Murder Talk (Serial Killers, Hired Killers part 2)

Just when everything's about to go okay.

Last night, I was told that the serial killer rumors were just a hoax, something just to mislead the masses. I wasn't convinced, becuase the messenger's face wasn't even convincing enough. He's smirking.

This morning, I overheard people talking about the serial killer. I found out that the hoax is not a hoax. There had been some news in the paper that the alleged serial killer had murdered some half-dozen people last night, he says. The authenticity could not be pointed out, as the 'messenger' had no evidence for those riff-raff.

I don't even know why people would like to freak people out. Maybe they're some fans of some thrillers and they're doing this pointless insipidty.

(Well, there's nothing here about hired killers for now, but stay tuned. I might have interest in being a hired hitman someday.)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Serial killers, Hired killers

"Serial killers in the neighborhood!!!"

This evening, there were rumors of murderers roaming around our neighborhood. (Now, how did they got here in the first place?) They were identified as members of some satanic cult/bacchanalia/orgy where the commandment is to kill anyone they see: they don't care if they killed their loved ones or the resident cat or the President. (This calls to mind the headline of an 'attempt to assassinate the president of my country.') They are armed with ice picks and shotguns. They have already killed some several dozen people and pets near our vicinity. I don't know why they even existed. I don't feel comfortable. I would like God to condemn them to hell.

Now, why are there criminals in a world where everyone is just... everyone else? Why does He allow copious amounts of evil to wander around and destroy the world that is already crippled and about to crumble? My mother said, "It's His way of balancing the world. Increase the amount of any, the world shall fall apart." She also added, "There shall always be more evil than good." (just like there are more morons than there are literate people. I'm half freak, half brainy.) This did not make me comfortable, even if she said "God will protect us. Just keep your faith in Him." I want to hunt down those bigots.


In connection with killers, I read a fanfiction about killers. (You might think that I should freak out because it's like giving matches and gasoline to a pyromaniac.) I don't know why I ended up reading something like that after hearing threats of massacre. I thinks it is nice to read material related to whatever happening to your sorrundings, so that you'll be more aware of that event (and would probably raise my fears of getting killed).

Anyway, away form the digression. The (short) story is about a successful murder plot of some people. It started in a bar where, of course, people get drunk. It was already late at night (one AM, and you think the night is still young? get a life...) there are only five people (still drunk), the manager of the bar, and the bartenders who just want the dunderheads out of the bar. The drunken blutschinks don't want to leave their drinking party. Then some people came in and told them that they should heed the people's request. And so they left. Later they met a girl who, in the end, kills the drunken bastards. No things are stolen, no hostages are paid with ransoms. Just a murder plot. Well, I don't want to give the whole story away. You'll just have to read it yourself. (Rikku's Frist Job, a Ragnarok Online fanfiction. This is not mine, mind you.)

As for me, I'm due to read murder stories. Hope I survive the night.

"Let there be peace, let there be war, and let me die quietly in the bar."

Saturday, March 04, 2006

New month

February has passed out, thankfully. But replacing it is the hot March. I'm a month older. And next month I am now a year older.

Oh no... I'm aging. NOOOOO!!! I won't let myself get older! Let's contemplate suicide! Just making you paranoid... and myself.

Anyway, it IS March, the (probable) starting month of the summer season. People will burn more skin (and money) just to be more beautiful. Crowds will crowd on the beach. The sea will be polluted again. There shall be consternation among everyone. Sharks will be attacking bigots again. And I shall stay away from the heat again.

I loathe summer. It hurts my skin so much. And my wallet. I can't believe we al have to pass through this season. I don't even know why it existed. Is it just another racket of many businessmen?