
Friday, May 12, 2006


Summer is supposed to be hot. Unfortunately, today was different.

A while ago it rained. Weird, because it supposed to be summer then. I thought the weather repoters were right. Actually, they were... on a different angle.

The meteorlogists found a tropical storm heading the capital of the Philippines, where, unfortunately, I live in. As a result, we're drenched. So am I. But I was grateful. At least the pressure-cooker climate was cooled down a little bit.

Whatever is next... I don't know.


Some time ago I decided to go beyond my blog and tried surfing other people's Bloggers. And wherever I go, there's nothing special about them. Just another person's life: plain. There were also international Bloggers, their languages unpredictable (some blog's text ended up showing squares instead of the expected text). There were also some blogs that pretty looks like it isn't: many looked like it was created to blind the audience with it's eye-candy design. Some weren't really blogs at all. Others are too old to be called blogs: they looked abandoned. And there were blogs that didn't really contain personal life stories. There were plenty that really looked like a newsroom.

But anyway. It's not really important about what the blogs contain. The inportant thing is: I'm thankful there are plenty of people writing on a diary.


Anyway, it's still raining outside. And it's a pretty good sight. Catch you later.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Trying to keep up with the time, I decided to buy a wall-clock. Like, what else could be done with a clock? Definitely just for time-keeping. But sometime ago, I found some people using wall-clocks as plates.

Anyway, I put it up on the wall. And while I was standing on the ladder I discovered many insects and microorganisms thriving on the ceiling, which is probably cute for some. But it's disgusting on me. After I installed it, I went down... and I smell of dust and cobwebs.

And not contented on that I even decided to add a clock for this blog.

Anyway, there's nothing interesting, anyway.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Comment Spam

Looks like people have been finding ways to deliver junk to everyone's backdoor and cause havoc to millions.

This week I received what I thought to be a good comment for my wares. Unfortunately, it turned out ot be some advertising for some college degree. Here's the excerpt of the advertising. I've stripped out personal contact information so as to prevent unwary people from being tempted to get this ware.
Get any Desired College Degree, In less then 2 weeks.

Call this number now 24 hours a day 7 days a week (deleted)

Get these Degrees NOW!!!

"BA", "BSc", "MA", "MSc", "MBA", "PHD",

Get everything within 2 weeks.
100% verifiable, this is a real deal

Act now you owe it to your future.

(deleted) call now 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I don't know if this is genuine, or if the guy who sent it has hit other people's blogs (or websites). One things for sure, I'm thankful I don't live in the US, for now.