Sunday, November 04, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Oh Noes!
It's the -ber months again! Which means Christmas is just a few flips of the calendar away. But even before the witnessing of the beastly sight, the malls are already playing christmas tunes! AAAAIIEEEE!!!! Not only that, the hardware department of the malls are already selling christmas decor! Oh teh horrors!
Now we'll just have to wait for jolly old Santa Clause to come. And more scary stuff. AAAAAAAAA!
Okay, so maybe I'm being too killjoy, but I must remind you that spendings during this kind of holiday is much bigger compared to all the other holidays and occasions wherin people would be required to spend a lot just to be considered "in the spirit of the occasion". Now I feel uncomfortable.
The Manila Book Fair held in the same venue last week suddenly got a little boring. And it was kind of... Continue reading »
Posted by
9/04/2007 12:50:00 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
- Received midterm exams’ results. Turned out that the world would end sooner than thought. I got fairly, um…, fair outcome, but I don’t think that would count as good grade for my parents. I might get hit by lightning for this.
Posted by
8/14/2007 08:01:00 AM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Things I’m worrying about:
- Midterms! I haven’t adjusted myself to the hooplas of college (forgive me, I can’t really adjust that immediately) when this was announced: Midterm Exams! Oh, great. Anyway I’m still trying to find my way in the dark, and I don’t want to get left behind. But this is college, where there are people who will get left out in the open for the vultures to eat. Already I fell like I’ll be one of those.
Posted by
7/28/2007 12:31:00 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
If you were wondering where I am lately...
- Now that I’m (almost) actually living the life of an adult, work load has been increased 500%, where college is contributing to all of that. I would probably get burned before I reach the age of 17.
- College had given me more pain factor than my life in High School. As much as I want to prevent it from happening, the pain’s biting me on all directions. I can’t believe I now have to travel a distance of six kilometers to go to school, get kicked by life by forgetting schoolwork at home, and returning home with a lot of cuts, bruises and hemorrhages in my body. Not only that, I have to worry about the things that would come in the coming days. AAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
- That’s not enough, though. Every dean in college must be some sort of, well, satanic. I’m figuring that they are members of some cult where their mission is to make their students’ heads explode from so much schoolwork that will be provided so that they could provide carcasses they could sacrifice to you-know-what-or-else. (okay, so you really don’t know? Dang.)
- Well, because college is now as far away from home as I can imagine, my pocket money has been increased. But then, the expenses I incur everyday also increased… fivefold.
- Okay, that’s enough for now. I still have an elaborarte homeork to accomplish. Pardon me for being so much of a boor.
ATTENTION TO EVERYONE! Entried will be in full untl my next post. After which, you will have to click a link in the post to read the blog entries. I will be moving my entire blog-hold on a new place: Please be guided accordingly. Thank you.
Posted by
7/21/2007 06:57:00 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
College took over my schedules
Oh, well. You can't even blame college for taking over your life by putting you into too much stress, school work, and irregular schedules. I could feel wrinkles growing all over my body. Anyway, right after I post this, I will have to study for a long quiz in Physics tomorrow (of course, there's physics in the first years in college. If you didn't had that, then you've gone in to a wrong university.).
Sorry if I wasn't able to put an entry for a longish-long time. Anyway, this blog's gonna move someplace better if I get the time.
Posted by
6/27/2007 04:27:00 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
A preview of hell... in a new life
I ended up asking myself how I ended up in college. Before classes I was planning to skip this year's school year. Now, here I am.
Anyway, this is, after all, a new life. So it is expected of every freshmen to be curious about their new surroundings. Unfortunately it seemed liked everyone else already knew the school before they had even set foot on this place. And I don't.
What am I saying?! Somebody throw a rock on my face-- oh, wait. There's a wall. *pound* There. I'm fine now.
The first two days of my college life was partly unfounded horrors, half anxiety, and pure exhaustion. I was tired considerably by the length of the time tables and the location of the school, which I think is over four kilometers from home (and I have to take public transportation now: gone are the old days when my father can just shove me off to school by car). Now that I have thought of the fact, I'm now officially far away from home. Very, very far.
Which have translated itself into: primary stage of metamorphosis to adulthood. OH NO!
Posted by
6/16/2007 03:43:00 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Yesterday, the Philippines celebrated it's independence. Today, I prepare for the last day of my youth. Tomorrow, I go to school. Not just any school: it's called College.
I've beet talking so much about being in college in my previous posts since the day I graduated. It's just, well, unnerving the fact that I'm liberated now. Liberated from what, I couldn't figure out. Whether I would actually get somewhere by going to college is really important, especially when it's the fact that this would be the basis of your future. And once you flunk, it would never stop. That's what I've been fearing.
Well, classes start tomorrow. I'll bring with me inner fear.
Posted by
6/13/2007 04:46:00 AM
Tags: college, future, independence, next step
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
changes that will happen to my life in june
1. College. I will never see anymore the rituals that I usually encounter in my elementary and high school life. This is adulthood, after all. Now I must work for money to support my life and education. Which is bad because I don't want to leave my childhood life. But then again, I'd be tagged a retard.
2. Vacation's over. Back to school equals the return of the pain in the ass. I'll feel myself sinking in quicksand again. Of course I don't exclude the teachers, as they get more whammy than their students. Many schools in the Philippines (exempting private schools) would need to make more than two shifts to accommodate thousands of students that had enrolled. As a result, the kids don't learn much.
3. Will & Grace ends run on TV. The local TV channel is almost done with it's airing of Will & Grace. Though I'm not too much of a fan of the sitcom I really like the kick the show gives to several people (because I guess there are only a handful of literate people here in the Philippines). Well, I don't know what I should do after the show ends.
4. Now what? I don't know.
Posted by
6/06/2007 01:42:00 PM
Thursday, May 31, 2007
PLDT Repair Service is starting to be a piece of crap
I wasn't able to surf the internet for at least three days due to the shitty service of the phone company. Already I've phoned the customer service over ten times, shouting at them to get our goddamn phone service restored. And until there's still no response to my outcries. The hell with them.
So now I have to get out of my house just to surf the net, not to mention that I have to blog using someone else's computer (I want my browser customized to my needs, unfortunately no internet cafe wants computer usage in a customized way). And being in a different environment, I can't release the full power of my ability to rant. Thus, a lousy blog.
After I write this, I'll phone customer service and I'll tell them that if they don't fix my phone this instant, they'll have to prepare for their doom.
Posted by
5/31/2007 02:39:00 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
We're going back to school, yay!
Sadly, it's June again and I can't believe it does. Worst of it, I won't be going to the usual everyday Philippine school. I'm talking about college. And, at my own point of view, it's gonna be really bad.
Well, couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety as first day of classes for most schools looms, including college. And I'd kinda wonder what insipid theme the deodorant company would formulate this year that would tie-in with the event... or if they would do it.
And I'm not yet prepared to face the nightmares of college. Now that's really unnerving.
Just hope I survive this level of schooling. Here goes nothing.
My parents told me that I was an extra in some sleazy local film that was actually a bad clone of a Hollywood flick (note: if you were watching a movie on ABS-CBN or TFC on Friday, 25th May 2007 at 3:00PM manila time, you must've seen the moive, or at least an instance of it). Well, if that were possible I should've been discovered and become a movie star, and then I'd get out of this low life. Unfortunately, I didn't. So, forget the opportunity stuff.
I don't even know the whole plot (sorry for that. I was only able to see part of the movie, and internet records show no summary of the movie), but I do know the story involved greed, love, money, and kindergarten school. So, I'd kinda wonder as well why I was included in the movie as an extra.
Anyway, both my mom and dad told me that I was the one in which I sound like having a plot to kill the protagonist. Well, now that I've seen the part wherein I supposedly acted, I'd say it was bad acting: I did a bad thing to the star -- a main reason why I was doomed to be a normal person forever.
Or was I made to believe that I starred, at least an extra, in some sleazy local film that was actually a bad clone of a Hollywood flick?
Anyway, I wonder if the video's still available on video rental. That way, my stardom claim can be verified (maybe at least a complete credits list would do). Otherwise, the gigantic TV company must've archived it and made it available "for TV viewing only".
Posted by
5/26/2007 04:33:00 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
- Elections are over, but the counting of votes are yet to be over. Already there are invalid ballots, false accusations, proclaimed mayors/vice-mayors, dead poll watchers, murdered candidates, and so on. The National Police claim that this year's elections was peaceful when, in fact, there are more than a hundred dead on election-related violences.
- Summer is not yet over, but there are evidences that it's gonna be over in a few days.
- Every two days rain clouds come and drench the whole city in water. Everyone's relieved from so much heat wave, only to find out that this relief goes for only 24 hours, and then it's back to having heat stroke.
- It's back to school in the Philippines. June is the official start of classes for must schools, colleges and universities. Already in late April there are stockpile of notebooks, textbooks, school supplies and other educational paraphernalia fill the book stores. Expect in late May there are frantic mothers trying to complete the list of things to bring for their children.
- I go to college, uncertain of the future that awaits me...
- I suck (pardon my language) at writing stories. Yes, this was after a friend of mine and my sister told me my stories are pointless, futile, and full of holes. Of course, I cannot deny this, as examples of authentic reading material is shoved to my face courtesy of Madame Roocha. Of course, it will now be a must to master the art of writing, since my butt will get kicked in Lit. class in college.
Posted by
5/22/2007 05:24:00 AM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
kyaaaa..... (the most annoying summer)
1. Global Warmeeeeeng!!! In a few years time, the whole world would be sinking into the ocean a la Atlantis. The ice caps have melted so much that some islands in the Pacific are starting to get flooded with seawater. Even in one US state there is environmental trouble uprising due to the effects of global warming. And experts say that if we'd continue to screw up Mother Nature, we'd be nonexistent before the half-century (sadly for the future generation).
2. Hell-eeeeeeeections!!! Hell with those people running for some seat in the government office because they're producing too much sound pollution by bombarding us with insipid music telling us to vote for them or we die. Hell with them because they're vandalizing the nation by putting up "Vote for me" posters anywhere they could put them on. Hell with them because they give us impossible promises, even those they could provide immediately (yes, even simple stuff they couldn't put into action). Hell with them because, well, they're just plain useless.
3. Colleeeeeeeeeege!!! Ah, tertiary education. Isn't it great. I don't buy it. It's gonna be a big pain in the butt because there's more into college than dumping yourself (or getting dumped) into mountains of books, notes, and learning paraphernalia that the profs' are gonna provide. Anyway, going to college for me is an equivalent of accepting adulthood, which I refuse to take. I want to stay young. But then again, we live in a universe where everyone has to go someday. So there's nothing we could do.
4. The Bloooooooock!!! Ooh, my brain hurts. Now I'd kinda wonder when this will be over.
Posted by
5/09/2007 05:28:00 AM
Tags: college, elections, existence, global warming, me, summer, writer's block
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
One Hundred! (and summer misery)
And I proclaim this the (un-)official 100th post in my blog.
Uh, now what?
I'm glad the Holy Week's over. Imagine doing and being nothing for seven days because the establishments (except the catholic curches) are closed and the TV stations are airing static, if not Holy Week specials (cable TV subscribers are excempted).
Like I have said before, my mind has been deactivated by the summer heat. And this summer may not be over until June (it should've been May. Unfortunately, May is election month and the heat coming from the mouth of the senatoriables convincing the people to vote for them would add up to the heat of the millions of people itching to place their bets, er, votes). My mind can't work when it's hot (of course, basic daily actions are spared) so my plans to enjoy summer are ruined because of the heat wave.
Oh. And college. My butt will be kicked in the real world now. Not to mention that I will never see the life I had during my early years ever again: I will have to support my own and look after myself from then. No more allowance, free boarding, free food, anything from my parents. And I can't celebrate my own birthdays anymore: I have to have money becore I could. It really makes me wish that I was just a kid forever, but we all know that we would have to go on.
And here I am loafing in my house. Thinking of how long this misery would last.
My birthday's on April 14. I'll be an adult by then.
Posted by
4/10/2007 03:50:00 PM
Tags: april, elections, heat, hot, misery, summer, sun, sunburn
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Here's what the news stations are recommending everyone, now that summer is on. Note that there are also some things I added within the list. Which ones? You'll just have to look for yourself. And this list is applicable if you're in the Philippines, under the summer heat.
- when going outside when the sun is wide open, wear sunblock with at least spf 2000; and
- use an umbrella, for crying out loud. you could get skin cancer.
- getting an air conditioning unit would be highly recommended for those who prefer staying indoors. because the sun's heat this 2007 is, strangely, going through walls.
- make sure you don't sweat too much -- drink lots of water and juices. better yet, go to beaches or swimming pools... that is, if you could stand the sea of people who has the same idea (unless you get a private beach/pool?)
- with the elections just two months away, electorates are spewing so much steam from their tv ads, radio commercials, and campaign posters that it contributes to the destruction of the earth. better make those dingbats who make false claims and nonexistent promises shut up, or else we all die.
- cuaresma (holy week) is just around the corner. you don't need to do penitencia by whipping yourselves or getting crucified on the cross. just bathe in radioactive sunlight for the rest of the holy week and your sins are forgiven. oh, too bad my birthday always falls on the holy week, but I'm so glad I'm not catholic.
- stop tanning -- you'll look ugly if you continue baking yourself.
- the heat is aggravating all of us and killing our brain cells. and so everyone is starting to get dumb, cranky or weird. like i said, get an umbrella (don't get the one in which you can put it on your head like a hat).
- everyone's using the airconditioning units and electric fans at full power. that means, after summer you'll have an extraordinarily high electric bill that would keep you hot in the rainy season. so conserve.
- just wish that those native americans come here in the Philippines and do the rain dances they usually do when there's famine in their land.
Posted by
3/27/2007 01:35:00 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Disabled by the summer heat
Now I know why I couldn't even blog. It's summer. And the huge amounts of heat tend to make me cranky. With so much radiation that is going into my brain, it's preventing me from thinking properly (now I also know why I'm acting like a psycho at home).
And the usual thing I do when the sun's so hot it's frying my skin: I scream "Aaaayyyy! Ang iiiiiiniiiiiiittt!!!" (AAAARRGHHH! It's hhooooot!)
Sorry for the unusual behaviour of mine. I'm getting crazy.
Posted by
3/25/2007 05:41:00 AM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Still some weeks before I'm really free
My final exams in high school was over, and I kinda have a sigh of disappointment. Not because I think I didn't get all the questions, but at the fact that I didn't even acknowledge the fact that this is the last exams that I'm going to take in the school. And, well, I'm graduating.
Well, it's kind of hard to let go of people you're stuck with in school for four years. Though I hated them so much, I'm going to miss the weirdness they do that made me hate them. And now, well..., I won't see them anymore after the graduation.
Well, now that exams are over, there's just the gradation to worry about. Though I'm free to do whatever I want, It's not easy. The practice to the graduation rites require us to be in school everyday in the hot burning afternoon. It seems fitting the fact that they're really going to break our necks in frustration before our butts get kicked in real life. Maybe they'll miss the torment they put on us while we're still in High School.
So... I don't know.
Posted by
3/11/2007 03:07:00 AM
Tags: exam, exit, freedom, graduation, high school, me, memories
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Exam, Clearance, Graduation, My Blues
Well, I've got lots of things to worry about now.
- Exams. The test covers all of the things taught throughout the level (first quarter to fourth quarter, cover-to-cover). And this means a lot of reading, reviewing and re-reading. Oh, and I have a short memory. So you might have already guessed what could happen to me, then.
- Clearance. Well, every year we have to meet requirements before we get ourselves a break. Now this year's clearance passing is a neckbreaker. Because the teachers are deliberately making us suffer: a thesis defense we have to do on one room while an extra activity we have to do all within the same hour. And while that is happening, we have probably less than a minute to have the clearance sheet filled with the clearance signatures of our "tormentors".
- Graduation. Who likes graduation? I do. Not only I get rid the "pests" in my life, but I get to have a break. Sadly, I'm going to miss those "pests" that haunted my high school years, as well the teachers that have taught me so much that I should've put them on paper. Well what could I say, Life Sucks. One minute you're with them, the next minute you'll have to say goodbye to them.
- Me. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like an idiot but don't know why. I want to smash things, but there's not one thing to break. I feel bound down
Okay, so it's my blogging status, actually. This must be the worst year for me. And I still don't know why. No, wait. I already know.
Posted by
3/03/2007 04:44:00 AM
Tags: achievement, clearance, exam, examination, graduation, me, requirements, school
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Fix Me
If this were a perfect world, and I'm sitting on a bench and crying on the park because of something, someone would come comfort me and try to help me with the problem. Then this sound track would play on that person's lips.
Coldplay - Fix YouBut then, in this "perfect" world we live in, this would be the scene:
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
When high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Man 1: Uy, o! May umiiyak. (Look, someone's crying.)Okay, so I'm still living in a world full of s***. But I'm happy I'm still alive amidst all the ggs thrown on my face.
Man 2: Tara! Holdapin natin. (C'mon. Let's hold him up.)
Posted by
2/20/2007 07:39:00 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The moon was full and yellow Friday night. In the genre of horror, it usually means cursed individuals mutate into whatever was set to them, like werewolves, vampires, politicians and other terrifying beasts that could've been the imaginations of horror genre writers and storytellers. In my sphere of thinking, it means I've been forgetting something. Which is right because, I've been losing the idea of blogging since th start of 2007.
And it's the same hoopla that's bugging my attempt to blog: school work. I've been trying to put space into my timetable to get this working, but all the other schedules are already pushing and shoving with so little space that the plan to blog just gets squeezed out and thrown in the recycle bin.
Add to that the fact that I'm with the graduating batch, which translates to heavy torment by our teachers, and I'm totally toast. This is very stressing.
Wait, I shouldn't have said that. Besides, I'm the one who'll have the eggs in the face in the end. The fact that I'm too busy to blog is no excuse not to blog. So the yolk's on me.
Posted by
2/10/2007 05:33:00 AM
Tags: blog, not blogging, stress
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Okay, so I've been staying out of my blog for too long. Partly because of my hectic schedules, the upcoming graduation day, and three aptitude tests: one for admitting me to a college, one to test my worthiness to a vocational degree, and one (which I'll take in March) to get me the hell out of high school. Pardon me if I kind of insulted my Alma Mater by hating it. Actually it's not the school I hated, but the students I was stucked with within the four-year stay in high school. I was doomed to be with people whose behavior, habits and tastes I hate.
These people listen to hip-hop and R and B, loves throwing stuff at random (sometimes at other people's faces), and babble nonesense stuff every single minute of their lives until their heads explode. Anyway I'm glad I don't have to see them again after graduation, lest karma strikes and I meet them again as my classmates in college. AAAAARRRGGHHH!!!
So much for putting up with so much ---- in life.
Anyway, the other reason is Taiwan's earthquake and the cable-snapping in the sea. Apparently the damage done by the the earthquake is not limited to Taiwanese houses: the data optic fibers (?) that connects much of Asia to the rest of the world was destroyed, putting most of the continent's internet pull over to a grinding halt. Almost literally: ultra fast internet connections used for call centers and corporate places had its speeds go down to dial-up rates, and as the interruption continued, it had some companies lose much money. As for me I wasn't able to surf and blog properly.
Well the problem's almost fixed, I guess. The speed's gradually returning to normal. And soon enough, I could blog again. WEEEE...
On Sunday, the 21st of January 2007, here comes the feast of Sto. Nino again. Seven days before, people are already putting up decorations over the streets, the bands and banging their drums and blowing their horns, street performers rehearse for the dance numbers, and the marching faithful will plod the statues of this saint.
Well, I'm neither a devotee nor a Catholic. But I do enjoy these feast sometimes, since I rarely see marching bands and colorfu confetti on the streets (if I could only get my hands on a camera I'll post the festivites pictures.)
Either way we don't have classes on Monday. Which made me happier.
Posted by
1/20/2007 05:13:00 AM
Tags: aptituse, blogging, catholic, church, earthquake, faithful, feast, internet, interruption, nino, santo, Taiwan, test
Friday, January 12, 2007
Prior to the possible luck that could strike me this 2007, my sister recently borrowed a thingamajig called the magic 8-ball. For those who haven't known it, the ball predicts your fate by giving answers to questions about the future. It only accepts yes/no questions, but its predictions are accurate. most of the time (as my sister, and maybe other 8-ball users and believers, succinctly puts it: "the magic 8-ball is always right.", but that's another story). The usage is simple (I don't know if these are the correct instructions -- I just made them): stare at the ball and ask a question at it, then shake the ball an you see your "future" based on what the 8-ball tells you on its answer window.
Wait... I sound like advertising material. Can someone hurl a heavy furniture on my face? Thank you.
Anyway back to the intended plot. As I said my sister tried my friend's magic 8-ball. Curious of its, um, unbelievable power to predict, I also dug in.
I asked these questions to the ball, and the ball gave me the following responses:
- Will I pass PLMAT (a Philippine university's entrance exam)? "My sources say no." (NOOOOOOO!!!!!!)
- Will I be rich in 10 years? "Yes Definitely." (WOOOHOOO!!!)
- Does someone have a crush on me? "Don't count on it." (Whew...)
- Will I pass UPCAT (another Philippine university's entrance exam)? "Concentrate and ask again." (...)
- Do I feel like what I think I should be? "Without a doubt." (I feel what, do not know.)
- Will the Philippine president be ousted before the end of this year? "Outlook good." (Just make happen already.)
- [Again,] will I pass UPCAT? "You may rely on it." ("May" means unsure, so it could be equivalent to "Don't count on it.")
- Do I have to be a stupid moron in order to be famous? "Very doubtful." (no comment.)
- [Again,] will I pass PLMAT? "As I see it, yes."
Results vary from person to person, place to place, time to time. Make sure you do the asking when you're in a good and cozy mood. Lest you fancy smashing things when you don't get the answers you expect, in this case you might destroy the 8-ball and something terrible will happen.
Again, Happy 2007.
Posted by
1/12/2007 03:14:00 PM
Tags: 2007, 8 ball, bad luck, destiny, fate, january, lucky, magic, superstition, university
Sunday, January 07, 2007
First Thing In 2007: Annoyance
Seven things I'm annoyed on the first seven days of 2007:
1. The Block. Well, it struck again, and it made sure I can't post on the first day of 2007. I've been trying to squeeze out a thought since New Year's Eve, but it wouldn't give me any.
Well, that broke my vow to greet every New Year with a post on the first day.
2. People who blow up things after New Year. Sleep was out of the question the day after the new year. For every pop I hear, my mind tells me to kill those jerks. Well, it passed. But I could still hear popping in my head.
3. Christmas... In January. The TV networks are still showing Christmas-themed commercials. That's not right.
4. The MMFF People. The Metro Manila Film Festival is trying its best to keep Philippine Cinema alive. But what if the committee's concept of film making is making money? That's the point when one of the movies that competed won the Best Picture award when it was revealed that it won because it was a box office hit (it made more money than the other films). That wasn't their criteria recently. In fact the committee itself made a crime against Art. Many celebrities and people were dismayed, of course.
5. Politicians contemplating a seat in the office. Elections are due for May, but these people are already advertising. A lot of streets have campaign paraphernalia scrawled all over. Oh sure, it's not campaign paraphernalia, as you people say, but a Christmas greeting. But what the hell is the phrase "Vote for x" doing there?
The ads may not have cause vehicular accident for now, but rest assured it will occur.
6. Upsurge in prices. LPG and oil prices soared, as well as many goods and services. Add the strengthening of the Philippine Peso against the US Dollar, and people who depend on their foreign-working friends will be poorer as the strengthening goes on every single day (and it was forecasted by psychics that it shall roll until the end of 2007).
7. My New Year's Resolutions. I'm sure I'll be forcibly asked when I return to school this Monday. What should I answer, anyway?
Posted by
1/07/2007 04:27:00 PM
Tags: 2007, annoyance, christmas, festival, film, inflation, january 1, manila, new year, resolutions